Enoflow is back to life!

Jun 10th, 2024

After a brief period of absence, Enoflow is back again in the works. Learn more about what we have been up to, the story until now and what's next in the future of Enoflow!

The Enoflow Story

Enoflow is a project that has been in the works for a long time now. It has gone through many ups and downs, but it has always been a project that I have been passionate about. I have always believed in the idea behind Enoflow and I have always wanted to see it come to life.

Early Beginnings

Enoflow as a concept was born during my day to day activities. I had noticed myself using multiple apps just to try and stay on track with my tasks. I was using Fantastical for my calendar, Things 3 for my todos, Notion for note taking.

It was all just a bit much, there is no way I needed all of that to manage my tasks, and why is there no singular app that can do everything a person needs to stay on track with their tasks? Like a GitHub but for students.

The First Attempt

From last year, I knew I wanted to work on a productivity app and try to make it happen. I teamed up with a friend of mine, and we started working on it. I would handle the development of the app and he would handle the design side of things.

The First Failure

Despite the enthusiasm and the vision I had for the project, I found myself caught in a cycle of tutorial hell, constantly learning but struggling to apply the knowledge effectively. Technical issues seemed to crop up at every turn, further impeding progress.

As a solo developer with limited resources and knowledge, the reality of the situation was a bitter pill to swallow. Despite the passion and the countless hours poured into this project, Enoflow never saw the light of day. It was a tough lesson in the realities of software development, but one that I knew was necessary for both my personal growth and the integrity of the project.

The Resurrection

After a brief period of absence, lasting for 6 months, I am happy to announce that the project is back in the works. I have taken the time to reflect on what went wrong the first time around and I have learned so much from that experience.

The Future of Enoflow

I am excited to see where this new journey with Enoflow will take me. I have learned so much from the first attempt and I am confident that I will be able to deliver something that I can be proud of this time around.

I will be documenting the progress of Enoflow on this blog, so make sure to check back regularly for updates on the project. I am excited to have you all along for the ride and I can't wait to see where this new journey with Enoflow will take me.